Areas of Interest
- Accounting
- Agri-Business
- Agriculture
- Art
- Athletic Training
- Biology
- Botany
- Broadcasting
- Business
- Career & Technical Education
- Chemistry
- Child Development Center
- Chiropractic Medicine
- Coaching
- Communication
- Counseling
- Creative Writing
- Criminal Justice
- Dental Hygiene
- Education
- English
- Essential Studies
- Family & Consumer Sciences
- Finance
- Fitness and Wellness
- General Studies
- Geoscience
- Graduate Studies
- Graphic Design
- Health Education
- Health Professions
- History
- Human Biology
- Humanities
- Information Technology
- Journalism
- Law
- Legal Studies
- Literature
- Management
- Marketing
- Master's Degrees
- Mathematics
- Media Production
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Military Science & Leadership
- Mortuary Science
- Museum Studies
- Music
- Natural Resources
- Nursing
- Online Graduate Programs
- Online Classes
- Optometry
- Outdoor Adventures
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Physical Education
- Physical Science
- Psychological Sciences
- Public Relations
- Radiography
- Rangeland Management
- Recreation Management
- Respiratory Care
- Rural Business Leadership Initiative (RBLI)
- Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP)
- Rural Law Opportunities Program (RLOP)
- Social Sciences
- Social Work
- Special Education
- Sports and Recreation Management
- Sports Leadership
- Statistics
- Strength and Conditioning
- Theatre
- Veterinary Science
- Water Resources Management
- Writing
Undergraduate Degrees
Chadron State College offers four types of undergraduate degrees: the Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Science in Education. In addition to these degrees, CSC offers pre-professional programs and teacher certification endorsements. View information about the types of degrees in the online catalog.
Graduate Degrees
- Choose question
Academic Schools
School of Business, Mathematics, and Science
School of Liberal Arts
School of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences
Graduate Studies
Academic Programs
- Art
- Business
- Communication
- Counseling
- Education
- English
- Essential Studies
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
- Justice Studies
- Mathematical Sciences
- Military Science Leadership
- Music
- Physical and Life Sciences
- Pre-Health Professions
- Psychological Sciences
- Range Management
- Social Sciences
- Social Work
- Study Abroad
- Theatre